Do you own your own Home? Yes No
If you rent, are cats allowed? Yes No Supply a copy of your lease agreement or letter from your landlord.
Have you ever fostered animals before? Yes No
Are there children in your household? Yes No
Would you consider your household: Quiet Some activity Grand Central Station
Are you aware of any cat allergies in your household? Yes No
Do you have any pets in your household now? Yes No
Are they spayed / neutered? Yes No
Are their vaccinations current? Yes No
If you have cat(s) are they kept? Exclusively indoors Indoor/outdoor Primarily outdoors
If you have other cats, will you be able to keep the foster cats separate? Yes No
Are you willing to foster a momma cat and her kittens? Yes No
Are you willing to keep to the vaccination schedule set by the foster care manager? Yes No
Are you willing to transport to the appropriate location for those appointments? Yes No
Do you agree to call Tabby Town immediately at the first sign of an emergency situation with the kitten(s) in your care so that we can schedule the appropriate veterinary appointment? Yes No
Do you fully understand the commitment needed as a foster parent in caring for a cat/kitten and accept that it will require a lot of your personal time? Yes No
Are you able to accept the fact that some kittens will not thrive and possibly not survive and that any emergency decisions are up to the Tabby Town Staff? Yes No
If you or anyone you know are interested in adopting your foster cat/kittens, you agree to follow Tabby Town's standard adoption and approval process? Yes No